August 28, 2006

Self-Portrait in an Enclosed Space- (The Reality of a Monday Night)

I realized this week, that since I started the Self-portrait challenge, I have presented myself in a very mysterious light. Most of my portraits have been dark, sullen, overly thought out pieces. So this week, although I am still not smiling, and still somehow shrouded in shadows, I wanted my portrait to look calm, peaceful, content. Because that is how I feel most of the time these days.

It is Monday night; I had a stressful, yet fulfilling day at work. I came home bathed and put the baby to sleep, after we took a tour of the back and front yard to smell the jasmine blossoms that are coming in. I barbequed some veggies for fajitas, and spent some time chatting with my wife about our plans to someday soon move to Argentina.

I often use my writing/art/this blog to express the side of myself that is suffering or confused or frustrated that people, who don’t know me, may get the impression that I am a jaded, cynical, depressed political zealot. Where in reality, I am the exact opposite. I guess I believe in the school of thought that says, "people don’t express themselves artistically well when things are going well."

Here is my attempt to change that. I tried to capture a typical, Monday night in the life of a new dad, teacher, husband, son, getting ready for bed after a day well lived. Not on some adventure or living his fantasy bohemian dreams, but simply living each moment with the people he loves, loving his work, and being happy.

I also realized that most of my images have been obscured shots. So here is one head on. Sorry I am not smiling or looking better, but I tried really hard to articulate everything I said in this post through my expression. I guess looking morose is in my nature. Did I mention that I was quite tired as well?


  1. I like this image of you (your eyes are fabulous). One does not have to smile to convey contentment. Your words alone have smiled for you.

  2. your picture looks alive, like you're a still shot from a movie, ready to come to life and start talking at any minute. I love that.

  3. OK, you definitely achieve your goal here.

    But on a funny note (that maybe only you will appreciate) you definitely look like a teacher who has just been asked by his principal to move into an airless room with no carpet and barely-working electricity. Let's not forget the sound of thumping overhead when there is a PE lesson.

    Just kidding. Cool post :-)

  4. I just think you look very thoughtful in this photo. I suspect you probably look pretty intense even in photos where you smile because of having such expressive eyes.

  5. It is a wonderful image of a day well-lived. That is a wonderful phrase, to go with your SPC. Thank you!

  6. i really really really liked your post on living a simple good day. and i was excited to see how your picture fit in with that. well done.


  7. I loved this post and the realness of it :)

  8. You do look a little like my son - that's scary. Also, you look like you're holding back a laugh - like, you know something is really funny, but you're in a serious place, and in the background, Kaia is probably making some kind of noise that you find wonderful, and oh, wait, the photo...

  9. no- you definitely got the new dad, frazzled teacher look down. :)
