January 2, 2011

First Steps

My new year's resolution/ goals post is going to be quick and dirty. There will be no philosophical ramblings about the endless path to enlightenment and being kinder to strangers or more thoughtful to my wife, or caring to my kids, no there will be none of that here.

Just three very achievable goals I have for this year:
  1. Finish a readable first draft of my manuscript of at least 50,000 words by summer. 
  2. Rekindle my photography bug by taking a photo a day through Daily Shoot.  
  3. Write/record/ perform at least three original songs by year's end.
 Here is my first shot for Daily Shoot (all photos can be seen at this set on Flickr or here on my blog)

Make a photo illustrating a fresh start, a new beginning, or the first step to a goal.     
The journal says, "I cannot be hurt because I am always in pain."

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