September 26, 2016

Uneventful Days

I was not a very nice person today. I was snappy with my own kids and my students; I avoided people as best I could. I had a teacher meeting, a parent meeting, a social lunch and I taught two classes, but other than that I hunkered down and got work done, quietly and alone. My teeth were killing me and I am pretty sure I have some kind of nasal infection. I’m not feverish or sick in the normal sense, but my skull ached all day and caused me to be a bit cranky.

I got a lot of work done on my Learning 2.0 talk after school and when I got home tonight. I feel much better about that. Now to plan out the workshops and be ready to roll next week. I am pretty excited to be back in Ho Chi Minh City, to see old friends, connect with new teachers and enjoy one of my favorite cities. Although it looks like there is some flooding happening at the moment.

I was supposed to run today, but I took a much needed 30 min nap before I made the girls dinner.

Days like you make you appreciate the normal healthy days. So if you are not in any kind of physical pain, and you are not sick in anyway and feeling pretty healthy, take a moment to look away from your phone, or close your laptop, take a deep breath and enjoy this moment of good health. I am looking forward to joining you soon.

In other news, I can’t even imagine what the headlines will say about the debate tonight. Part of me is glad to be sleeping through it, although I will most likely watch the whole thing on Youtube tomorrow.

Every week, I look forward to the latest Atlanta episode. It is my favorite thing on TV these days.

I am stuck in a mediocre YA book and I am looking forward to powering through it this week, so I can get the latest Jonathan Saffron Foer book before my trip.

The Raiders win again and are 2-1. Big game in Baltimore next week, but like an idiot I have faith. The Niners are beyond bad and life is good.

This is my life these days. Even traveling to Vietnam has become routine. We have a two-week October break coming up and t will be nice time to relax and catch up with the kids. Not going anywhere, but looking forward to some long uneventful days.

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