December 3, 2016


Today was a good one. I didn’t leave the house again, but I had the company of my kids and some more rest. Marin and Kaia were off to sewing and errands in the morning, so Skye and I hung out a bit. Played some games. Some music and watched a few Beat Bugs. It’s a bit babyish but she is loving The Beatles songs. Every episode features two random Beatles songs. So now she can be heard playing around the house singing Come Together and Lucy in the Skye with Diamonds. Then while she played alone for a while I had a nice catch up chat with Anthony.

Then Skye was off to a birthday party and Kaia was home. We haven’t hung out just the two of us in a while and it felt good to catch up. Erin popped over for a nice visit with Orion and then Kaia and I watched Captain Fantastic. It was a bit slow and over her head, but Kaia was intrigued by their life style and amazed that the kids could swear so freely. I told her that for the time we were alone this afternoon she could swear all she wanted, but she was still a bit timid. We didn’t get to finish it because it was getting late and Mairin and Skye came home. Next time.

Finished the night off with our annual Christmas kick off viewing of Elf.

I did become obsessed with my phone throughout the day. The Trump Taiwan thing was hanging over my head, but I am want to work on getting better at ignoring his every jack ass move, but he is like a drug and I am addicted. It just seems so unbelievable that this is our reality. This is the world now. We all live in a reality TV show.

Read up on the Joe McNight story and was appalled. Researched the stand off in North Dakota and was appalled.

But this was meant to be a happy post about a happy day I spent with my kids. The name Noam Chomsky is now in Kaia’s universe and that makes me smile. I may have stood up a bit too often today, with the shower and making dinner, so my ankle is throbbing, swollen and hurts a bit, but I felt more like a human today than I have in the last week.

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