June 18, 2021


middle school teaching
is a thankless life.
the human adolescent
is rarely effusive with
gratitude or appreciation.

the typical teacher
could tear out their heart
and offer it to the abyss
of angst and ennui
and it would be devoured
with little fanfare.

but all it takes
is one kid,
every year,
to reach out
from the darkness
and say:

a big thank you
for everything you've taught me
this year in class,
and how it’s a great foundation
for high school.
i have definitely cherished
the time i’ve spent in grade eight english,
and i am grateful for all your guidance.

i was not motivated for
(and DESPISE poetry)
english class quite a bit initially,
but then you have taught me things
that allowed me to improve to the point
where i have been able to change my mindset
and eventually been able to produce work
of a higher standard.

to top it all
i can write poetry now.
i can proudly say that english
is one of my favourite subjects.
while i have a long way to go,
you've made me understand
that english can be an art in itself
and there's no "right way to do something.”

in fact, i realise
that i am able to express myself
more clearly
and it is rather liberating.

in terms of what I’ve learnt
as a human being:
i’ve learnt that there is so much
to do and discover in life;

it's good to have faith in humanity.

i used to be mad at the world
i thought life was going to be so bad
in adulthood.
i dreaded going to high school
as from that moment on
i would never be "free" again.

then you've taught me
there are so many good things
that life brings and basic gratitude
towards the things we have
will make us enjoy
them all the more.

thank you
for being an
extremely patient,
and amazing teacher this year.

(an adult who doesn't
stereotype teenagers
but understands us)

i could write an essay
expressing more gratitude,
but i don't think you'd appreciate
having to read yet another one from me.

have a great summer,
and i’ll definitely keep in touch.

a human adolescent.

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