October 14, 2008

hero, revisited

They say that imitation is the best form of flattery, so let me say I am flattered and honored. Last year, I shot a short video called hero. It has gotten a little over 2000 hits which is bad. Today I received a video response from someone who had shot a similar video.

The nature of art I have always claimed is that it connects people in ways that nothing else can. We find similarities in vision, which lead to evolution of ideas, new creations, and the progression of our single consciousness.

I find something very gratifying that this guy, afiqrahmat, saw my video on Youtube and decided to do this himself.

Check out the video below:

Now to start working on hero part II, just need to get some air in the tires and scrape off the rust. The weather is cooling here and it is time to get that bad boy back on the streets.

Note: Turns out that afiqrahmat had never seen my video, until he finished his own. How random is that? We both felt like video taping ourselves riding a bike, putting it to the same song, and posting it on Youtube. Go figure!

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